Posts Tagged ‘information economy’


Thursday, February 18th, 2010


An explosion of communication and choice in recent decades has created the global climate of information overload that we are only now beginning to find ways to properly navigate.  The rise of the iPhone app and the price comparison website shows the information economy at work and there is growing recognition of the value of designing access to information.  But what took us so long?

In our personal areas of interest choice can seem miraculous: I can get my favourite version of my favourite song in less than 60 seconds; we can have customised trainers designed in-store; you can get your flat white-half-caff-soy-frappe-latte-cino just the way you like it in a coffee shop anywhere in the world (a distant time it was when coffee was purchased in only one of two states: black or white).  But in general, relentless second-by-second decision-making is required to navigate a deep sea of visual noise. Negotiating our choices can lead to unprecedented fatigue, confusion, stress – and disinterest.  As expectations rise, consumers are increasingly losing their patience. How do we solve this problem?
